If you want to show any text like “Welcome Here” or “Sign My Guestbook”or “Your Text Here”, which follows the mouse cursor (trail text effect), like the one displayed in the image
Follow The Steps to Do this.
- Log in to Blogger, go to Layout
- Add a Gadget of HTML/JavaScript type.
- Then add this code in to it.
[sociallocker]<script language="javascript"> // ENTER TEXT BELOW. CAN *NOT* INCLUDE NORMAL HTML CODE. var text='YOUR TEXT HERE...'; var delay=40; // SPEED OF TRAIL var Xoff=0; // PIXEL COUNT FROM THE LEFT OF THE CURSOR (- VALUES GO TO LEFT) var Yoff=-30; // PIXEL COUNT FROM THE TOP OF THE CURSOR (- VALUES GO UP) var txtw=14; // AMOUNT OF PIXEL SPACE EACH CHARACTER OCCUPIES var beghtml='<font color="#00436e"><b>'; // OPTIONAL HTML CODE THAT EFFECTS WHOLE TEXT STRING SUCH AS FONT COLOR, SIZE, ETC. var endhtml='</b></font>'; // END HTML CODE. MOSTLY USED IF ABOVE SETTINGIS USED. //********** NO NEED TO EDIT BELOW HERE **********\\ ns4 = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape")>=0 && document.layers)? true : false; ie4 = (document.all && !document.getElementById)? true : false; ie5 = (document.all && document.getElementById)? true : false; ns6 = (document.getElementById && navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape")>=0 )? true: false; var txtA=new Array(); text=text.split(''); var x1=0; var y1=-1000; var t=''; for(i=1;i<=text.length;i++){ t+=(ns4)? '<layer name="txt'+i+'" top="-100" left="0" width="'+txtw+'" height="1">' : '<div id="txt'+i+'" style="position:absolute; top:-100px; left:0px; height:1px; width:'+txtw+'; visibility:visible;">'; t+=beghtml+text[i-1]+endhtml; t+=(ns4)? '</layer>' : '</div>'; } document.write(t); function moveid(id,x,y){ if(ns4)id.moveTo(x,y); else{ id.style.left=x+'px'; id.style.top=y+'px'; }} function animate(evt) { x1=Xoff+((ie4||ie5)?event.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft:evt.pageX); y1=Yoff+((ie4||ie5)?event.clientY+document.body.scrollTop:evt.pageY); } function getidleft(id){ if(ns4)return id.left; else return parseInt(id.style.left); } function getidtop(id){ if(ns4)return id.top; else return parseInt(id.style.top); } function getwindowwidth(){ if(ie4||ie5)return document.body.clientWidth+document. body.scrollLeft; else return window.innerWidth+pageXOffset; } function movetxts(){ for(i=text.length;i>1;i=i-1){ if(getidleft(txtA[i-1])+txtw*2>=getwindowwidth()){ moveid(txtA[i-1],0,-1000); moveid(txtA[i],0,-1000); }else moveid(txtA[i], getidleft(txtA[i-1])+txtw, getidtop(txtA[i-1])); } moveid(txtA[1],x1,y1); } window.onload=function(){ for(i=1;i<=text.length;i++)txtA[i]=(ns4)?document.layers ['txt'+i]:(ie4)?document.all['txt'+i]:document.getElementById('txt'+i); if(ns4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); document.onmousemove=animate; setInterval ('movetxts()',delay); } </script>
- Replace Your text here with Your Text
- Save