How To

What is Ransomware? How it Works? How to Manually Remove This?

By now all of we have heard of the global ransomware attack. It has created a lot of confusions in the mind of computer...

How to Find The MAC Address From Your Computer?

The MAC Address is a important part of a computer and Internet. MACmeans (Media Access Control). In a local or other area network the...

Best Operating Systems For Penetration Testing or Hacking

Which is the best operating system for ethical hacking and pen testing purposes? Trying to solve this problem. FreeSV prepared a list of the most efficient...


Most of the times we found the problem in Google Chrome But we fail to fix those problems. Google Chrome is uses much ram...

What is Page level Ads in Adsense? What is QuickStart Ads? How to Implement This?

Page-level ads are a family of ad formats that offer a new and innovative way for you to monetize your content. With Page-level ads,...

Top 7 Tips for Secure E-Banking or Internet Banking

Online banking can save you a lot of time and effort; you can undertake most transactions from the comforts of your home. However, it...

How to Save WhatsApp Status Photos to your Android Phone Gallery?

WhatsApp doesn’t saves your friends and family status to the phone gallery unlike the media. If you want to download WhatsApp stories on Android...

10 Tips to Secure Your WiFi Router from Hackers

hello, here is the simple 10 tips to secure your wifi network or router from external hackers. wifi hacking is the trending topic now...

How to Add Flying Text Following Mouse Cursor in Blogger

Well you might have seen low priority blogs using this kind of script that shows text flying, wobbling and following the mouse cursor position,...

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